Dear Customer!
We are very pleased that you have decided to shop at our Store.
Please read the Terms and Conditions below and the sales rules that apply to you and us when you shop.
Also remember that if you have any questions or concerns, you can contact us through the details indicated in the Terms and Conditions.
Here's what you'll find in these Terms and Conditions:
We have prepared the following Attachments to the Terms and Conditions for you:
1. the Online Store is available in the domain on the appropriate subpages after registration and is operated by the Seller.
2. in case of complaint about a placed Order, contact the Seller using the following contact details: contact form available within the Store.
3.. the Customer may communicate with the Seller using the e-mail address and contact form available within the Store.
4. The rules of use and placing Orders, concluding Contracts for Sale of Products and making complaints within the Store are defined by these Regulations.
5. The Seller makes the Regulations available to the Customer or User free of charge before using the Online Store. The Customer may record the content of the Terms and Conditions in a convenient way, e.g. by saving them on a permanent carrier or by printing them out.
6. The condition of using the Store and concluding a Sales Contract is acceptance of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the Customer agrees to all of them and agrees to abide by them.
7. Prices given in the Store are given in Polish zlotys and are gross prices
8. Information about the products given on the Store's website does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code, and is only an invitation to conclude a contract within the meaning of Article 71 of the Civil Code.
9.It is forbidden to use the Store to provide information of an unlawful nature and, in particular, it is forbidden to: send and place within the Store spam, provide and transmit content prohibited by law, in particular within the forms located in the Store.
10. it is ordered: to use the Store in a manner consistent with the Terms and Conditions and the law, to use the Store in a manner that does not interfere with its operation, to use any content posted on the Store's subpages only for personal use, in accordance with the license granted (if any).
11. The Customer may not make a purchase anonymously or under a pseudonym or using incorrect personal information.
12. In order to delete the Customer's account, it is necessary to inform the Store via e-mail about the wish to delete it.
Pojęcia użyte w Regulaminie oznaczają:
Sprzedawca – Perfect Day Anna Piwońska, ul. Grójecka 194 / 302, 02 – 390 Warszawa, wpisana do CEIDG, NIP 798 131 73 31, Regon 142627499.
Klient lub Użytkownik– osoba fizyczna, osoba prawna lub jednostka organizacyjna nie będąca osobą prawną, której przepisy szczególne przyznają zdolność prawną, składająca Zamówienie w ramach Sklepu i dokonująca zakupów za pośrednictwem Sklepu.
Konsument – osoba fizyczna zawierająca ze Sprzedawcą umowę w ramach Sklepu, której przedmiot nie jest związany bezpośrednio z jej działalnością gospodarczą lub zawodową.
Przedsiębiorca na prawach konsumenta – Przedsiębiorca dokonujący zamówienia Produktów związanych z prowadzoną przez niego działalnością gospodarczą, ale nie mających dla przedsiębiorcy charakteru zawodowego, zgodnie z art. 38 a ustawy o prawach konsumenta oraz 3855, art. 5564, art. 5565 i art. 5765 ustawy Kodeks cywilny.
Konto – konto Klienta lub Użytkownika założone na platformie internetowej Sklepu lub/i Platformie szkoleniowej, umożliwiające dostęp do zakupionych szkoleń i produktów.
Platforma szkoleniowa – platforma, na której znajdują się zakupione Produkty.
Przedsiębiorca – osoba fizyczna, osoba prawna i jednostka organizacyjna niebędąca osobą prawną, której odrębna ustawa przyznaje zdolność prawną, wykonująca we własnym imieniu działalność gospodarczą, która korzysta ze Sklepu.
Regulamin – niniejszy Regulamin Sklepu.
Sklep Internetowy lub Sklep – sklep internetowy dostępny pod adresem oraz na odpowiednich jego podstronach za pośrednictwem, którego Klient może dokonywać Zamówień i zakupów określonych Produktów.
Produkt – produkt zakupiony w Sklepie, dostępny wyłącznie w wersji elektronicznej. Produkty są sprzedawane odpłatnie, chyba że wyraźnie zastrzeżono inaczej.
Umowa Sprzedaży– umowa sprzedaży Produktu zawarta pomiędzy Sprzedawcą a Klientem za pośrednictwem Sklepu.
Zamówienie – czynność, oświadczenie woli Klienta zmierzające bezpośrednio do zawarcia Umowy Sprzedaży Produktu ze Sprzedawcą i spełnienia świadczenia na rzecz Klienta, na warunkach wskazanych w niniejszym Regulaminie.
Formularz zamówienia – formularz Sklepu, za pomocą którego, Klient może złożyć Zamówienie i zrealizować Umowę Sprzedaży.
Umowa zawarta na odległość– umowa zawarta z Klientem w ramach Sklepu, bez jednoczesnej fizycznej obecności stron, z wyłącznym wykorzystaniem jednego lub większej liczby środków porozumiewania się na odległość do chwili zawarcia umowy włącznie.
Operator płatności – Przelewy24
Dowód zapłaty – faktura lub paragon wystawione zgodnie z Ustawą o podatku od towarów i usług z dnia 11 marca 2004 roku i innymi stosownymi przepisami prawa.
Płatność – wpłata na konto Sprzedawcy za pośrednictwem dostępnych w Sklepie sposobów płatności internetowych lub wpłata przy odbiorze Produktu- w zależności od wybranej formy płatności i zamówionego Produktu.
System – zespół współpracujących ze sobą urządzeń informatycznych i oprogramowania, zapewniający przetwarzanie i przechowywanie, a także wysyłanie i odbieranie danych poprzez sieci telekomunikacyjne za pomocą właściwego dla danego rodzaju sieci urządzenia końcowego (Internet).
Dni robocze – dni tygodnia od poniedziałku do piątku, poza dniami ustawowo wolnymi od pracy.
Ustawa o prawach konsumenta – ustawa z dnia 30 maja 2014 roku o prawach konsumenta (Dz.U. z 2014 poz. 827 ze zm.), dalej jako Ustawa.
Kodeks Cywilny– ustawa z dnia 23 kwietnia 1964 roku (Dz.U. Nr 16, poz. 93 ze zm.), dalej jako Kodeks cywilny.
RODO – oznacza Rozporządzenie Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady EU 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (Ogólne Rozporządzenie o Ochronie Danych).
Ustawa o ochronie danych osobowych – ustawa z dnia 10 maja 2018 r. o ochronie danych osobowych (Dz. U. 2018, poz. 1000 z późn. zm.).
Ustawa Prawo telekomunikacyjne – ustawa z dnia 16 lipca 2004 r. Prawo telekomunikacyjne ( U. 2004 Nr 171 poz. 1800 z późn. zm.).
1. The Customer may use the available functions of the Online Store in a manner consistent with the Terms and Conditions and applicable regulations and in a manner that does not interfere with the operation of the Online Store and other Customers.
2. In order to use the Store, including browsing the Store's assortment and placing orders for Products, the following are required: Internet access from a device that makes it possible; a properly configured, up-to-date version of a web browser that supports cookies, such as Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome; an active and properly configured e-mail account.
3.. Seller shall provide technical measures to prevent the acquisition, modification or distortion of personal data and information by Customers and by unauthorized third parties.
4. Seller shall take appropriate measures to ensure the proper functioning of the Store.
1. The following Products are available in the Online Store: Participation in stationary training courses, Online training courses, as well as documents in Excel, Word, PPT files.
2. The Store also offers products made to the individual order of the Customer, e.g. training recordings, presentations, closed training courses for companies.
3. The Customer wishing to make an individual order should contact the Seller at the e-mail address indicated in these Regulations.
4.After the parameters and features of the Product have been agreed with the Customer, it will be prepared for his/her individual order.
5. The process of ordering an individual Product, will be agreed separately with the Customer.
6. The specifics of each Product, its composition and characteristics can be found in the descriptions of the Product in the Store.
1. The Seller makes it possible to use Free Products.
2. Free Products include: recordings of webinars held, presentations from training courses, free e-books.
3. Use of Free Products offered by the Seller may require having a Customer Account on the Training Platform where the Products are made available.
4. Free Products are available on a temporary basis.
5. Information on the date of availability, can be found in the Product description or on the relevant subpage with the Product description.
1. The Seller sells Products, access to which is possible only after payment and registration on the Training Platform by creating a Customer Account.
2. Registration on the Training Platform and maintenance of the Customer Account is done free of charge within the price paid for the purchased Product.
3. Products available on the Training Platform are: VOD Training; E-books; Online Training.
4. Access to purchased Products on the Training Platform may be temporary or unlimited. Information about the term of availability of a Product is provided in the description of a given Product or on the relevant subpage with the Product description.
5. Access to a purchased Product on the Training Platform takes place immediately, after the payment for the Product is credited.
1. The Vendor's offer also includes the possibility of conducting an E-consultation.
2. E-consultations, are provided on the basis of e-mail sent by the Customer to the e-mail address
3. In order to develop a comprehensive E-consultation, the Vendor conducts an interview with the Customer, also electronically (e.g. by e-mail).
4. E-consultations are carried out within 4 hours to 3 working days from the sending of an e-mail by the Customer, depending on the facts of the case.
5.. E-consultation is carried out by establishing a phone call/email to the Client.
§8 Placing and Fulfilling Orders
1. The Customer may purchase the Product by selecting it from the appropriate subpage of the Store. The Customer can choose among different variants of the Product at different prices (if such a possibility is clearly indicated in the Product description).
2. After choosing the Product, in order to make the purchase the Customer should take the next steps according to the messages displayed on the pages of the Store. The Customer should first click on the "Add to Cart" button shown with the price and product description, as a result of which the selected Product will be added to the shopping cart. Then, he/she can make further purchases or click on the "View Cart" button and then click on the "Order" button and finalize the purchase on the next page.
3. The Customer has the option to enter a discount code, if he/she has one, in the field named "Discount Codes". Then, after entering the discount code and clicking on the "Activate" button, the price will be modified accordingly. The customer can also enter the discount code in the next step, i.e. placing the order.
4. The customer can then recalculate the cost of the shopping cart and then proceed to payment by clicking the "Order" button.
5. In order to place an Order, it is necessary for the Customer to provide the following data in the forms: name and surname and optionally company name, address (country, street, building number, premises number, postal code, city), telephone number, e-mail address, acceptance of the Terms and Conditions by checking the box - acceptance is necessary to make and finalize the Order, consent to the delivery of digital content before the deadline for withdrawal from the contract, consent to the execution of the order by the Store by clicking the "I buy and pay" button, which indicates the need to pay for the order.
6. the Customer may also optionally submit comments to the order, such as additional information about the delivery of the shipment.
7. In the process of placing the Order, the Customer is also obliged to make a choice as to the form of payment for the ordered Products, from those currently available in the Store.
8. During the process of placing the Order - until clicking on the "I buy and pay" button - The Customer has the possibility to modify the personal data he/she has provided and the data in the scope of the Products he/she has selected, as well as the form of payment.
9. The Customer, when clicking on the "I buy and pay" button, is aware that the conclusion of the contract is related to the obligation to pay the payment due to the Seller.
10. The Customer's sending of the Order constitutes a statement of the Customer's will to conclude a Sales Contract with the Seller, in accordance with the content of these Regulations.
11.. The Customer makes the payment by choosing one of the payment methods available in the Store, and then makes the payment.
12. The fact of making a purchase is confirmed by an e-mail sent to the e-mail address provided by the Customer in the Order form.
13. The Sales Agreement is considered to be concluded upon the Customer's receipt of the e-mail message referred to in section 11 of this paragraph. The Sales Agreement is concluded in the Polish language in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.
14. The Seller reserves the right not to execute the Order in case of: incorrect/incomplete filling of the Order form (lack of all data needed to execute the Order), failure to receive payment within 3 days of placing the Order (in case of choosing the transfer payment option).
1. The Seller may also conduct a pre-sale of selected Products.
2. Pre-sale allows ordering the Product before its release at a special price.
3. Pre-sale may include Products that are new and characterized by low availability, Products that are yet to be released in the Store.
4.Pre-sale availability date is specified in each Product description.
5. Pre-sale cannot be combined with other promotions.
6. Products purchased during the pre-sale are processed (i.e. added to the Customer's Account) in the order of completed Orders.
1. The prices of the Products displayed on the Store's website are gross prices and include all taxes required by applicable laws
2. The Seller reserves the right to change prices of Products presented in the Store, introduce new Products, withdraw Products, conduct promotions and give discounts, as well as temporarily offer Products free of charge. The above entitlement does not affect Orders that were placed before the effective date of any of the changes. Details and duration are always included in the description of the Product in question.
3. The duration of each promotion is limited. Discounts and promotions do not add up.
4. The Customer may choose the following forms of payment for the ordered Products: by bank transfer - paid directly to the Seller's account. For this purpose, please contact the Seller at the contact details provided in the Terms and Conditions; by electronic transfer - paid directly to the Seller's account via the Przelewy24 system "In the title", please specify at least the Order number
5. The entity providing online payment service in the Store is Przelewy24. and mBank S.A. The entity providing online payment service for card payments is Przelewy24.
6. Available forms of payment: Payment cards: Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, MasterCard Electronic, Maestro.
7. in case of necessity to refund the funds for the transaction made by the customer with a payment card, the seller will make a refund to the bank account assigned to the payment card of the ordering party.
8. Order processing time is calculated from the moment of positive authorization of payment.
9.. In the case of electronic payment, the product will be shipped after the transfer is received and credited to the Seller's bank account.
10. An invoice is issued for each Order (by name or for the company, if company details have been provided) in electronic version, which is sent to the Customer automatically, to which the Customer hereby agrees.
1. The Products will be shipped within 2 working days from the moment of accepting the Order for execution to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer in the Order form, with the exception of the Products referred to in paragraphs 2-3.
2. In the case of consultations, training courses or other individual services ordered by the Customer and available in the Store - the service will be provided on a date individually agreed by the parties, on the date selected by the Customer in the online calendar (if available) or on the date indicated in the description of the Product in question.
3.In the case of Products, e.g. online courses, shipment of the Product for download or access to the given online course or webinar usually takes place immediately after payment is made and credited, unless otherwise indicated in the description of the given Product (especially in the case of pre-sale of the given Product). Access may also be granted on a recurring basis, in accordance with the course program and dates indicated in the description of the course or other Product. Delivery of the ordered Products is free of charge, as part of the service of maintaining the Customer's Account.
4. If the Customer chooses to pay by prepayment, the Product shipping time is calculated from the date of crediting the payment to the Seller's bank account.
5. If the Customer chooses to pay by prepayment at the time of purchase, he/she undertakes to immediately deposit the funds to the Seller's bank account. If the payment to the Seller's bank account is not made within 3 working days from the date of placing the Order in the Store (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and other public holidays), the Order is cancelled.
6. It is assumed that the day of payment is the day of crediting the Seller's bank account.
1. Za pośrednictwem Sklepu, Sprzedawca świadczy na rzecz Klienta usługi drogą elektroniczną.
2. Podstawową usługą świadczoną drogą elektroniczną na rzecz Klienta przez Sprzedawcę jest umożliwienie Klientowi zawarcia umowy ze Sprzedawcą drogą elektroniczną.
3. Usługa ta świadczona jest nieodpłatnie, w ramach ceny zapłaconej z tytułu złożenia Zamówienia.
4. Sprzedawca świadczy również na rzecz Klienta usługę w postaci wysyłki newslettera, jeśli Klient wyraził na nią zgodę. Szczegóły dotyczące wysyłki newslettera, zapisu, rezygnacji z jego otrzymywania opisane zostały w polityce prywatności.
5. Sprzedawca świadczy również na rzecz Klienta usługę polegającą na rejestracji i utrzymywaniu Konta oraz zapewnianiu Klientowi dostępu do Konta za pomocą logowania, jeżeli Klient zdecydował się takie konto założyć. Usługa ta świadczona jest na rzecz Klienta w ramach ceny zapłaconej za dany Produkt.
6. W celu założenia indywidualnego Konta Klient powinien wypełnić formularz rejestracyjny i zaakceptować Regulamin, a następnie złożyć Zamówienie.
7. Na podany przez Klienta adres e-mail zostaną przesłane informacje związane z założeniem konta oraz link aktywacyjny umożliwiający ustalenie hasła. Po kliknięciu w niego i ustaleniu indywidualnego hasła, Konto zostaje utworzone, a Klient może z niego korzystać.
8. Utworzenie indywidualnego Konta jest konieczne do korzystania z Produktów, znajdujących się na Platformie szkoleniowej.
9. W przypadku zakupu Produktów, dostęp do Konta Klienta, następuje automatycznie po zaksięgowaniu wpłaty Klienta.
10. Z chwilą dokonania skutecznej rejestracji Konta umowa o świadczenie nieodpłatnej usługi drogą elektroniczną zostaje zawarta na czas nieokreślony.
11. Klient loguje się do Konta poprzez adres e-mail lub login oraz hasło. W każdej chwili może też wygenerować nowe hasło w przypadku zapomnienia lub utracenia poprzedniego.
12. W celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa Klientowi i przekazania danych w związku z korzystaniem ze Sklepu, Sprzedawca podejmuje środki techniczne i organizacyjne służące zapobieganiu pozyskiwania i modyfikacji danych osobowych przez osoby nieuprawnione.
13. Sprzedawca podejmuje działania w celu zapewnienia w pełni poprawnego funkcjonowania. Klient jest uprawniony poinformować Sprzedawcę o wszelkich nieprawidłowościach lub przerwach w funkcjonowaniu Sklepu.
14. Zabronione jest udostępnianie danych Konta Klienta osobom trzecim oraz zakładanie kilku Kont przez jednego Użytkownika.
15. W wypadku Klientów będących Konsumentami Sprzedawca może wypowiedzieć umowę o świadczenie usługi elektronicznej i usunąć konto Klienta lub pozbawić go prawa do składania Zamówień w każdym czasie z zachowaniem 14-dniowego okresu wypowiedzenia, z zachowaniem praw nabytych przez Klienta przed rozwiązaniem umowy.
16. W wypadku Klientów będących Konsumentami Sprzedawca może wypowiedzieć umowę o świadczenie usługi elektronicznej i usunąć konto Klienta lub pozbawić go prawa do składania Zamówień, ze skutkiem natychmiastowym, z ważnych powodów, w przypadku istotnego i rażącego naruszenia przez Klienta postanowień niniejszego Regulaminu, tj. w szczególności w przypadku, gdy Klient korzysta ze Sklepu i Konta w sposób niezgodny z przepisami prawa lub postanowieniami Regulaminu i niezgodnie z dobrymi obyczajami oraz przeznaczeniem Konta i Sklepu, w sposób uciążliwy dla innych Klientów oraz dla Sprzedawcy, kopiuje Produkty i Usługi Sprzedawcy lub udostępnia je podmiotom trzecim bez zgody Sprzedawcy, podaje Sprzedawcy dane niezgodne z rzeczywistym stanem prawnym, nieprawidłowe, niedokładne lub naruszające prawa osób trzecich, lub też narusza lub próbuje naruszyć zabezpieczenia techniczne Sklepu i Konta w celu niedozwolonego uzyskania dostępów do jego zasobów.
17. Strony mogą również rozwiązać umowę o świadczenie usług elektronicznych w drodze porozumienia stron w każdym czasie.
18. Klient może rozwiązań umowę o świadczenie usług drogą elektronicznych w każdym czasie, z zachowaniem 14-dniowego okresu wypowiedzenia lub w trybie natychmiastowym z ważnych powodów.
19. Wskutek usunięcia Konta przez Sprzedawcę Klient traci dostęp do wszystkich zasobów dostępnych uprzednio na jego Koncie.
20. W celu usunięcia Konta, Klient może samodzielnie skasować istniejące Konto lub skontaktować się w tym celu ze Sprzedawcą drogą elektroniczną.
21. Sprzedawca informuje, że usunięcie Konta Klienta może utrudnić lub uniemożliwić Klientowi korzystanie z Produktów w Sklepie, również tych, które zamówił.
1. The Seller shall be liable to the Customer, who is a consumer within the meaning of Article 221 of the Civil Code, for non-compliance with the Contract of Sale of the Products purchased by the Customer (warranty), and in accordance with the provisions of the Act on Consumer Rights and Article 556 et seq. of the Civil Code.
2. The Seller is obliged to deliver the Product free from defects.
3.. the Seller is responsible to the Customer under the warranty for defects to the extent specified in the Civil Code, if the Product has a physical or legal defect.
4. Complaint about the Product in question should contain data that allows the identification of the Customer (name and surname, mailing address, e-mail address), the subject of the complaint (e.g. type and date of the defect) and the demands related to the complaint. In the case of receipt of an incomplete complaint, the Seller will call the Customer to supplement it.
5. The complaint should be sent to the e-mail address of the Seller given in these Terms and Conditions.
6. The Seller will respond to a complete complaint within 14 days of receipt of the complaint and will inform the Customer of further proceedings at the e-mail address of the complainant.
7. The Seller will process the Customer's personal data in order to process the complaint.
8. the Customer may use the complaint form attached to these Terms and Conditions.
9. In the case of a Customer who is a Consumer, the costs of complaint shall be borne by the Seller, in particular the cost of delivering the Product to the Seller, as well as the cost of sending it back to the Customer by the Seller.
10. In the case of a complaint regarding the use of free services provided electronically by the Seller, the Customer may report it electronically to the e-mail address indicated in these Terms and Conditions. In the notification, he should indicate a description of the problem that occurred and other data allowing identification of the problem. For this purpose, he may use the form attached to these regulations. The Seller shall promptly, but no later than within 14 days, consider and provide the Customer with an answer.
1. The Consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days from the date of conclusion of the contract, without giving any reason, subject to paragraphs 6 and 7.
2. To exercise the right of withdrawal, the Consumer must inform the Seller of his decision to withdraw from the contract by an unequivocal statement (for example, a letter sent by e-mail or through the contact form available on the Website). In order to observe the deadline for withdrawal, it is sufficient for the Consumer to send information on the exercise of his/her right of withdrawal from the Contract before the expiry of the deadline for withdrawal from the Contract.
3. An example of the content of the statement (form) of withdrawal from the Contract can be found in the Appendix to these Terms and Conditions.
4. the Seller is obliged to return to the Consumer immediately, no later than within 14 days of receipt of the Consumer's statement of withdrawal from the contract, all payments made by the Consumer, including the cost of delivery of the Product.
5. The Seller shall return the payment using the same method of payment used by the Consumer, unless the Consumer has expressly agreed to a different method of return that does not involve any costs for him.
6.. the right of withdrawal from the contract concluded remotely does not apply to the Consumer in case the trader has performed the service in full with the express consent of the Consumer, who was informed before the start of the service that after the fulfillment of the service by the trader he will lose the right to withdraw from the contract (especially it applies to electronic products).
7. By accepting these Terms and Conditions and placing an Order for the Product, the Customer agrees to access the Product before the expiry of the deadline for withdrawal from the Sales Contract and is aware that in this way he loses the right to withdraw from the contract.
8.If a corrective invoice is issued, the invoice will be issued by the Store at the time of refund to the Customer's account. The invoice will be sent to the Customer electronically to the e-mail address provided when placing the Order, to which the Customer agrees.
(1) The provisions of this paragraph apply to the Shop's Customers who are Entrepreneurs.
(2) In the case of sales of the Product in trade between entrepreneurs under Article 558 § 1 of the Civil Code, the parties exclude the liability of the Shop under the warranty for physical and legal defects.
(3) In the case of Customers who are not Consumers, the Seller may terminate the contract for the provision of electronic services involving the maintenance of the Customer's account with immediate effect and without indicating the reasons by sending the Customer an appropriate statement, also electronically to the e-mail address provided by him for the registration of the Account. This does not give rise to any claims against the Vendor.
4. The Vendor has the right to withdraw from the agreement concluded with the Customer who is not a Consumer without stating reasons, within 14 calendar days from the date of its conclusion, by sending the Customer a relevant statement, also electronically to the e-mail address provided by him for the registration of the Account. This does not give rise to any claims against the Seller.
5. In relation to Customers who are Entrepreneurs, the Seller has the right to independently indicate and limit the available methods of payment and require prepayment in full or in part, regardless of the method of payment chosen by the Entrepreneur or the conclusion of the contract of sale.
6. The total liability of the Seller in relation to the Entrepreneur (Customer) for non-performance or improper performance of the contract of sale, is limited to the amount of the paid price of the Product and the submitted Order, in the case of intentional damage. The Seller shall not be liable for lost profits in relation to the Entrepreneur.
7. Settlement of any disputes between the Seller and the Customer, who is not a consumer within the meaning of Article 221 of the Civil Code, shall be submitted to the court having jurisdiction over the seat of the Seller.
(1) Entrepreneur on the rights of the Consumer, is such a businessman who makes purchases in the Store, which are related to his business activity, but do not have a professional character for him, resulting in particular from the subject of his business activity on the basis of the provisions of the Central Register and Information on Business Activity, in accordance with Article 38a of the Law on Consumer Rights.
2. Entrepreneur, referred to in the first paragraph of this paragraph, shall be affected by the provisions of these Regulations that relate to the Consumer, i.e., among others: Services provided electronically; Withdrawal from the contract by the Consumer; Complaints and warranty, within the scope limited by Article 38 a of the Law on Consumer Rights and Article 3855, Article 5564, Article 5565 and Article 5765 of the Civil Code. Otherwise, the provisions of the Terms and Conditions applicable to Entrepreneurs shall apply.
3. An Entrepreneur on the rights of a consumer, accepting these Terms and Conditions during the purchasing process and then exercising his/her rights mentioned in this paragraph, should complete the relevant form of complaint or withdrawal from the contract, and in particular the data confirming the circumstances confirming his/her status in accordance with Article 38a of the Consumer Rights Act, or provide this information in another way.
4. the Entrepreneur referred to in the paragraph above declares in the form sent to the Seller or otherwise, that the purchased Product(s) and thus the concluded sales agreement are directly related to his/her business activity, but they are not of a professional nature for him/her, resulting in particular from the subject of his/her business activity on the basis of the provisions on the Central Register and Information on Business Activity, which he/she does to prove that he/she meets the conditions to be considered such an entrepreneur. The forms are annexes to these Regulations.
1. Products and services provided by the Seller, available in the Store, content, text, logos, photos, company names, trademarks, graphic design are works within the meaning of the Act of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights, are subject to legal protection and are the intellectual property of the Seller and/or third parties who are their owners/authors, and which have been made available only for the use of the Store, which the Customer accepts by accepting the Regulations.
2. if the Customer intends to use the Product or the aforementioned elements in a manner contrary to that indicated in these Terms and Conditions or their purpose and functionalities, the Customer is obliged to obtain the written consent of the Seller.
3. the Customer agrees to include his logotype in the list of the Seller's customers, thereby granting him a non-exclusive, royalty-free, unlimited in time and territory license to use for the purposes of the Seller's business in the following fields of operation: fixation in terms of digital recording in computer memory and on the Internet, multiplication by any technique, dissemination in the Store, on the Seller's websites and in social media, public display so that anyone can have access to them at a place and time of their choice (among others.including on the Internet), as well as public display.
4. the Seller grants the Customer a non-exclusive and non-transferable license, without the right to grant sublicenses, to use the subject matter of the contract/product. The Customer under the contract is authorized to use the Product only for its own purposes, without territorial restrictions, in the following fields of exploitation: In terms of recording the work - recording by digital technique - fixation by digital processing on a dedicated platform (Customer Account) maintained by the Seller; Printing for own use of materials in pdf. and doc. and docx. formats, if such possibility arises from the Product description.
5. The license referred to in paragraph 4 is valid for the duration of the Customer's access to the Product. The duration of access to a given Product, and thus the duration of the license is indicated in the description of a given Product, and if not otherwise written is granted for 365 days from the date of the Order. The remuneration for granting the license is included
in the payment made by the Customer.
6. In particular, it is forbidden, both as to the whole Product, as well as its parts, without the written consent of the Seller: sharing and presenting the Product to third parties, publishing the Product regardless of the form of publication, copying, duplication for purposes other than personal use.
7.. the User undertakes to exercise due diligence so that the Products (educational materials available on the Training Platform) are not disclosed to unauthorized/third parties.
8. The Vendor hereby informs the Client that any dissemination of any other content or Products made available by the Vendor constitutes a violation of the law and may give rise to civil or criminal liability. The Vendor may also claim appropriate compensation for material or immaterial damages in accordance with applicable laws.
9. The Vendor is entitled to periodically update the Products (training courses, VODs, pdf, docx. materials, exercises, lessons, modules).
Zgodnie z art. 13 ust. 1 i ust. 2 RODO (czyli Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE) oraz ustawą z dnia 10 maja 2018 r. o ochronie danych osobowych informujemy, iż:
1. Administratorem danych osobowych Klienta jest Perfect Day Anna Piwońska, ul. Grójecka 194/302 , 02 – 390 Warszawa, wpisana do CEIDG, NIP 798 131 73 31, Regon 142627499 zwana w Regulaminie również Sprzedawcą. Administrator samodzielnie wykonuje zadania Inspektora Ochrony Danych Osobowych. Kontaktować z Administratorem możesz się używając poniższych danych: e-mail:, Numer telefonu: +48 601 165 526 lub pisemnie na adres Administratora.
2. Dane osobowe Klienta podawane w formularzach znajdujących się w Sklepie będą przetwarzane na podstawie umowy zawartej pomiędzy Klientem a Administratorem, do zawarcia której dochodzi wskutek akceptacji niniejszego Regulaminu, na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b RODO (niezbędność do zawarcia i/lub wykonania umowy). Jest to konieczne dla wykonania tej umowy (realizacji zamówienia Produktu i założenia Konta) a następnie utrzymywania Konta Klienta i obsługi Klienta związanej z zawartą umową.
3. Dane osobowe Klienta mogą być przetwarzane również w następujących celach i na następujących podstawach prawnych:
a. wystawienia faktury i spełnienia innych obowiązków wynikających z przepisów prawa podatkowego — na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. c RODO (obowiązek wynikający z przepisów prawa);
b. realizacji transakcji płatniczych za pośrednictwem operatora płatności elektronicznych – na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b RODO (niezbędność do zawarcia i/lub wykonania umowy);
c. rozpatrzenia reklamacji czy roszczeń — na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b RODO (niezbędność do zawarcia i/lub wykonania umowy);
d. ustalenia, dochodzenia lub obrony przed roszczeniami — na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f) RODO (prawnie uzasadniony interes administratora);
e. kontaktu telefonicznego w sprawach związanych z realizacją usługi — na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b RODO (niezbędność do zawarcia i/lub wykonania umowy);
f. przechowywania nieopłaconych zamówień — na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f) RODO (prawnie uzasadniony interes administratora);
g. tworzenia rejestrów i ewidencji związanych z RODO — na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. c) RODO (obowiązek wynikający z przepisów prawa) oraz art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f RODO (prawnie uzasadniony interes administratora);
h. archiwalnym i dowodowym, na potrzeby zabezpieczenia informacji, które mogą służyć wykazywaniu faktów — na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f) RODO (prawnie uzasadniony interes administratora);
i. wykorzystywania cookies na stronie i podstronach Sklepu — na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. a) RODO (zgoda);
j. w celu marketingu bezpośredniego kierowanego do Klienta – na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f RODO (prawnie uzasadniony interes administratora).
4. Podanie danych osobowych jest dobrowolne, ale niezbędne w celach związanych z realizacją umowy oraz realizacją prawnie uzasadnionych interesów Administratora. Ich niepodanie spowoduje, że zawarcie i realizacja Umowy będą niemożliwe.
5. Dane osobowe Klienta będą przetwarzane przez okres realizacji umowy, a także przez okres zabezpieczenia ewentualnych roszczeń zgodnie z powszechnie obowiązującymi przepisami prawnymi. Następnie zostaną usunięte, chyba że zdecyduje się korzystać z usług Administratora i pozostawi je na innej podstawie i we wskazanym mu celu.
6. Dane osobowe Klienta będą udostępnianie innym odbiorcom danych, takim, jak na przykład serwisy świadczące usługi utrzymania systemu informatycznego i hostingu, dostawca usługi poczty elektronicznej, dostawca usługi mailingu (newsletter) czy systemu płatności, kancelarii prawnej, podwykonawcom i zleceniobiorcom, zaangażowanym w prace sklepu internetowego, itp.
7. W związku z faktem, że Administrator korzysta z zewnętrznych dostawców różnych usług np. Facebook i spółki zależne, Google, Microsoft itp. dane Klienta mogą być przekazywane do Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki (USA) w związku z ich przechowywaniem na amerykańskich serwerach (w całości lub częściowo). Google i Facebook stosują mechanizmy zgodności przewidziane przez RODO (np. certyfikaty) lub standardowe klauzule umowne. Będą one przekazywane wyłącznie odbiorcom, którzy gwarantują najwyższa ochronę i bezpieczeństwo danych., poprzez: współpracę z podmiotami przetwarzającymi dane osobowe w państwach, w odniesieniu do których została wydana stosowna decyzja Komisji Europejskiej, stosowanie standardowych klauzul umownych wydanych przez Komisję Europejską (tak jak m to miejsce np. w przypadku Google), stosowanie wiążących reguł korporacyjnych zatwierdzonych przez właściwy organ nadzorczy, lub tym, na przekazywanie danych osobowych których, Klient wyraził zgodę.
8. Klient ma prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych, ich poprawiania, ich sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania, prawo do wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania, prawo do przenoszenia danych, prawo żądania dostępu do danych, a także prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego – Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych, jeśli uzna, że przetwarzanie jego danych jest niezgodne z aktualnie obowiązującymi przepisami prawa w zakresie ochrony danych. Przysługuje mu też prawo do bycia zapomnianym, jeśli dalsze przetwarzanie nie będzie przewidziane przez aktualnie obowiązujące przepisy prawa.
9. Klient posiada też prawo do cofnięcia zgody w dowolnym momencie, jeżeli podał swoje dane osobowe na podstawie zgody. Cofnięcie zgody pozostaje bez wpływu na przetwarzanie danych, którego dokonano na podstawie zgody przed jej cofnięciem.
10. Dane Klienta nie będą przetwarzane w sposób zautomatyzowany, w tym również w formie profilowania w rozumieniu RODO, co oznacza, że Administrator nie będzie podejmował automatycznych decyzji, które mają wpływ na prawa i wolności Klienta.
11. W celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa Klientowi i przekazania danych w związku z korzystaniem ze Sklepu, Sprzedawca podejmuje środki techniczne i organizacyjne odpowiednie do stopnia zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa świadczonych usług, w szczególności środki służące zapobieganiu pozyskiwania i modyfikacji danych osobowych przez osoby nieuprawnione.
12. Szczegółowe zasady zbierania, przetwarzania i przechowywania danych osobowych wykorzystywanych w celu realizacji zamówień poprzez Sklep, oraz polityka plików cookies zostały opisane w Polityce prywatności, która znajduje się pod adresem:
1. The Seller agrees to submit any disputes arising in connection
with concluded contracts for the supply of the Product to mediation proceedings. The details will be determined by the parties to the conflict.
2. The Consumer has the opportunity to use out-of-court ways of handling complaints and claims. Among other things, the Consumer has the opportunity to: apply to a permanent amicable consumer court with a request
to resolve a dispute arising from the concluded agreement, apply to the provincial inspector of the Trade Inspection with a request
to initiate mediation proceedings for the amicable termination of a dispute between the Customer and the Seller free of charge use of the assistance of a district (city) consumer ombudsman or a social organization whose statutory tasks include consumer protection (among others.Federation of Consumers, Association of Polish Consumers).
3. More detailed information on out-of-court ways of handling complaints and pursuing claims, the Consumer can look for at the website and at the offices and websites of county (city) consumer ombudsmen, social organizations whose statutory tasks include consumer protection or Provincial Inspectorates of Trade Inspection.
4The consumer can also use the ODR platform, which is available at The platform is used to resolve disputes between consumers and businesses seeking out-of-court settlement of disputes regarding contractual obligations arising from an online sales contract or service contract.
5. The case may be considered by an arbitration court only after the conclusion of the complaint procedure and if both parties to the dispute agree. Otherwise, any disputes shall be submitted to the competent courts in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure and general jurisdiction.
1 Contracts concluded through the Online Store and services provided are performed in the Polish language and based on the provisions of Polish law.
2. The Seller reserves the right to make changes to the Terms and Conditions for important reasons, i.e.: changes in the law, changes in methods of payment and delivery - to the extent that these changes affect the implementation of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, changes in technology. The new Regulations shall come into force on the date of publication on the Seller's website platform on the subpage: Terms of Service.
3. The version of the Terms of Service in effect on the date of conclusion of the Agreement shall apply to agreements concluded before the amendment of the Terms of Service.
4. In the event that any provision of these Terms of Service is found to be inconsistent with generally applicable laws and violates the interests of consumers, the Seller declares the application of the indicated provision.
5. The settlement of any disputes between the Seller and the Customer, who is a consumer within the meaning of Article 221 of the Civil Code, shall be submitted to the competent courts in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure.
6. In matters not regulated by these Regulations, the generally applicable provisions of Polish law shall apply, in particular: Civil Code, the Law on Consumer Rights, the Law on Providing Services by Electronic Means, the Law on Combating Unfair Competition, the Law on Personal Data Protection and the General Regulation on Personal Data Protection (RODO).
7. Link to privacy policy:
8. Link to these Regulations:
Place, date: ..................................
Name/Company: ..................................
Residential Address: .....................................
E-mail: ..................................
Phone number: ..................................
Order number: ..................................
Order collection date: ..................................
[Vendor details: name, address]
Product Complaint
I hereby notify that the Product purchased by me on....................................................... Product ............................................................... ...............................................................[product information] is defective.
The defect is .............................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[description of defect].
The defect was found on...........................................................
Due to the above, I demand:
- replacement of the product with a new one (Article 561 § 1 of the Civil Code)
- repair of the product free of charge (Article 561 § 1 of the Civil Code)
- reduction of the price of the product by the amount of ....................... PLN, in words: ................................................... PLN (art. 560 § 1 cc),
- I withdraw from the agreement (art. 560 § 1 cc).
Bank account number for reimbursement: ..........................................................................................................................................
Bank account holder: ..............................................................................
Date: ____________________ Consumer's signature: __________________
Form is effective as of January 1, 2021
Place, date: ..................................
Name/Company: ..................................
Company address: .....................................
Tax ID: .................................
E-mail: ..................................
Phone number: ..................................
Order number: ..................................
Order receipt date: ..................................
[Seller's data: name, address]
Complaint of a Product purchased by a businessman on the rights of a consumer
I hereby notify that theProduct purchased by me on....................................................... Product ............................................................... ...............................................................[product information] is defective.
The defect consists in .............................................................................................. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................[description of defect].
The defect was found on...........................................................
Due to the above, I demand:
- replacement of the product with a new one (Article 561 § 1 of the Civil Code)
- repair of the product free of charge (Article 561 § 1 of the Civil Code)
- reduction of the price of the product by the amount ....................... PLN, in words: ................................................... PLN (art. 560 § 1 cc),
- I withdraw from the agreement (art. 560 § 1 cc).
Bank account number for reimbursement: ..........................................................................................................................................
Bank account holder: ..............................................................................
At the same time, I declare that the purchased Product(s) and thus the concluded sales agreement are directly related to my business activity, but they do not have a professional character for me, resulting in particular from the subject of my business activity on the basis of the provisions on the Central Register and Information on Business Activity, in accordance with Art. 38a of the Law on Consumer Rights.
As proof of this, I list below the PKD for my business activity found in CEIDG:
1. PKD NR ................................. Description: ..............................................................................
2. PKD NR ................................. Description: ..............................................................................
3. PKD NR ................................. Description: ..............................................................................
4. PKD NR ................................. Description: ..............................................................................
5. PKD NR ................................. Description: ..............................................................................
6. PKD NR ................................. Description: ..............................................................................
7. PKD NR ................................. Description: ..............................................................................
Date: ____________________ Signature: __________________
Place, date: ..................................
Name/Company: ..................................
Residential Address: .....................................
E-mail: ..................................
Phone number: ..................................
Order number: ..................................
Order collection date: ..................................
[Vendor details: name, address]
Declaration of
of withdrawal from an off-premises contract
I hereby declare that I withdraw from the contract .................................................... no. ............................................ concluded on ................................................ concerning the following items ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
I request a refund of the amount of .................. PLN (in words: ............................................................... PLN) by:
- by postal order to the address .............................................................................. [fill in if applicable]
- to a bank account number: ...................................................................................................... [fill in if applicable],
Date: _____________________ Consumer's signature: _____________
Form is effective January 1, 2021
Place, date: ..................................
Name/Company: ..................................
Company address: .....................................
Tax ID: .................................
E-mail: ..................................
Phone number: ..................................
Order number: ..................................
Order collection date: ..................................
[Vendor details: name, address]
on withdrawal from the contract concluded off-premises in the case of an entrepreneur on the rights of a consumer
I hereby declare that I withdraw from the contract .................................................... no. ............................................ concluded on ................................................ concerning the following: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................
I request a refund of the amount of .................. PLN (in words: ............................................................... PLN) by:
- a postal order to the address .............................................................................. [fill in if applicable]
- to the bank account number: ...................................................................................................... [fill in if applicable],
At the same time, I declare that the purchased Product(s), and thus the concluded sales agreement are directly related to my business activity, but they do not have a professional character for me, resulting in particular from the subject of my business activity under the provisions of the Central Registration and Information on Business Activity, in accordance with Art. 38a of the Law on Consumer Rights.
As proof of this, I list below the PKD for my business activity found in CEIDG:
1. PKD NR ................................. Description: ..............................................................................
2. PKD NR ................................. Description: ..............................................................................
3. PKD NR ................................. Description: ..............................................................................
4. PKD NR ................................. Description: ..............................................................................
5. PKD NR ................................. Description: ..............................................................................
6. PKD NR ................................. Description: ..............................................................................
7. PKD NR ................................. Description: ..............................................................................